Information for Promoters

Cantamus perform concerts as part of local music festivals, for music societies or to help with fundraising for charities, churches, or other groups.

We are always interested in new opportunities, so if you would like us to sing for you – and you can guarantee a good audience – then please do get in touch.

Please feel free to use any of the material on this website for the purposes of promoting or reviewing our concerts. If you wish to use any of the material for other purposes, please ask.

publicity & POSTERS

Lots of promoters create posters and leaflets for display in local shops, businesses, town halls and public notice boards. Increasingly, concerts are publicised on the internet and via social media, including local notice boards and events diaries. Local print media, such as parish newsletters or village magazines are also useful, remembering the long lead time for publications.

We have a handful of posters from previous concerts in our gallery page for inspiration.

If we perform for you we will promote your concert on our website and social media, as well as display your posters in our local area to help spread the word. So please do remember to include our website ( and LOGO.

Right-click on the logo and “copy image”, then “paste” to your publications

Tickets sales

We recommend having various options to purchase tickets in advance. Perhaps at a reduced rate to your sales ‘on the door’. Often, local shops or tourist information centres will sell tickets on your behalf and it is a good idea these days to use an online sales outlet too. In today’s world, many people find it easier to ‘click & pay’ rather than shop in person using cash.

Also, including a QR code on your posters or adverts is more user friendly than a long website link. (To create a QR code, right-click on the desired web page and select “Create QR Code for this page” from the list.)

If you do have online sales, please do let us have the link so we can add it to our website and our Facebook page.


It is usual to create a connection between the audience and the performance they are listening to by producing a programme. If you decide to do so, then let us know and we will provide you with details of the music we will be singing and information about Cantamus. 

You can find a sample programme here.


  • We always like to arrange to meet concert organisers at the venue, which allows us to assess its suitably for our performance. We will also discuss the arrangements for the concert and fill out our standard form and checklist, which helps formalise the agreement and sets out responsibilities between you and us.
  • Running a choir like ours is quite expensive as we must purchase music and pay for rehearsal venue hire. We therefore request a fee for our performances. The exact financial arrangements will be subject to negotiation and agreement in advance.
  • We ask that, if possible, we hold our final rehearsal in the venue on the Tuesday evening immediately preceding the date. We also ask for access a couple of hours prior to the concert on the day to set up and ‘sing in’.